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Employer Liability at Events
Law Camera Action: Field Law Talks Law

How can you minimize your legal exposure when serving alcohol at work events?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, the holiday season, and you’re probably getting ready to host some fun events to celebrate. However, if you choose to serve alcohol at your party, you may become directly liable for any damages that arise if an attendee is overserved or drives while impaired and hurts themselves or others.

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If you are concerned about protecting yourself and your organization from liability this holiday season, Field Law can help provide you with general advice on protecting your business from liability or help you create waivers of liability or workplace policies that adequately address these issues. If you have any questions, contact any member of Field Law’s Labour + Employment Group.


Disclaimer: Information in this video is for informational purposes only. It is not legal advice and should not be perceived as legal advice.