Gregory Sim
Gregory Sim
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Gregory Sim focuses his law practice on professional regulation, administrative law, employment law and related litigation. He represents professional and sport regulatory organizations, professionals and employers throughout Alberta and the Northwest Territories. Gregory has over 15 years of experience advising clients across many different industries, such as health care, financial services, legal, real estate, advanced education, policing, natural resources, engineering and geoscience, construction, retail and hospitality. He has represented clients before a variety of administrative tribunals and all levels of Court.

Clients seek Gregory's advice in all areas of professional regulation, administrative law and employment law and litigation. These include:

  • Registration and entry to practice
  • Labour mobility
  • Conduct and discipline
  • Unauthorized practice
  • Legislation development
  • Policy and governance
  • Independent tribunal counsel
  • Judicial reviews and appeals
  • Human rights
  • Employment policies and agreements
  • Wrongful and constructive dismissal claims
  • Post-employment restrictions

In addition, Gregory handles general civil litigation disputes. "I work to find the best possible solution and the best, most practical way to achieve it… even if it's not litigation in the courtroom."

Greg co-authored The Annotated Health Professions Act, with Jim Casey, KC, Katrina Haymond, KC and Jason Kully, which was published by Thomson Reuters in 2020 and is a practical guide for legal counsel and regulators and includes extensive annotations, commentary, templates and flowcharts.

Value to Clients

"My team and I bring a collaborative approach to client service. While we frame legal issues and anticipate how claims and disputes will play out, our clients are the experts in their fields. We work together with our clients to come up with the right strategy."

Canadian Bar Association Alberta, Labour and Employment Law Section (North)
Canadian Bar Association Alberta, Administrative Law Section (North)
Law Society of Alberta
Alberta Association of Architects
Public Member of Council
2012 - 2016
Listed Administrative + Public Law
The Best Lawyers™ in Canada
Canadian Bar Association, Alberta Branch
Access to Justice Committee
2018 - Present
Alberta Association of Architects
Public Member of Council
2012 - 2016
Victim Services Association
Board Member
2011 - 2012
Edmonton Community Legal Centre
Volunteer Lawyer
2005 - 2009
Freeman v Canadian Natural Resources Limited, 2021 ABQB 931
Zuk v Alberta Dental Association and College, 2020 ABCA 162
Fitzpatrick v The College of Physical Therapists of Alberta, 2020 ABCA 164
Zuk v Alberta Dental Association and College, 2018 ABCA 398
Fitzpatrick v. College of Physical Therapists of Alberta, 2018 ABQB 989
Zuk v Alberta Dental Association and College, 2018 ABCA 270
Fitzpatrick v. Physiotherapy Alberta College, 2017 ABQB 453
M.K. Engineering Inc. v. Plecash, 2015 ABCA 311, Alberta Court of Appeal
MK Engineering Inc. v The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta Appeal Board, 2014 ABCA 58, Alberta Court of Appeal
MK Engineering Inc v Plecash, 2014 ABQB 483
Bonsma v Tesco Corporation, 2013 ABCA 367, Alberta Court of Appeal
Lovely v. Prestige Travel Ltd, 2013 ABQB 467, Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench
Lana v. University of Alberta, 2012 ABQB 97, Alberta Court of Queen's Bench
Krys v. Brown, 2008 ABCA 123, Alberta Court of Appeal
Speirs v. Royal Alexandra Hospital, (2007) 430 A.R. 215, Alberta Court of Queen's Bench
Tonizzo v. Moysa, 2007 ABQB 245, Alberta Court of Queen's Bench
Stoddard v. Montague, (2006) 412 A.R. 88, Alberta Court of Appeal
Best v. Hoskins, (2006) 390 A.R. 1, Alberta Court of Queen's Bench
Percy v. Kieser, (2005) 54 Alta. L.R. (4th) 329, Alberta Court of Queen's Bench
June 5, 2024
Discipline Tribunal Essentials: Fundamental Skills
Virtual Workshop
Members of regulated professions who serve on discipline tribunals must navigate an increasingly complex environment when fulfilling their role under their governing statutes. Join Gregory Sim, Kimberly Precht and Vivian Stevenson, KC&nb...
January 31, 2024
Important Professional Regulatory Cases of 2023
Learn about the most important professional regulatory court cases of 2023. What are the key legal trends? What are the strategic and operational implications for regulators?Presented by Katrina Haymond, KC, Gregory Sim and James Casey, this ...
April 2023 - 4 min read
Labour Mobility Proclaimed
Perspectives for the Professions
Field Law covered Alberta’s new Labour Mobility Act when it was first introduced in the legislature in October 2021. The Labour Mobility Act and the new Labour Mobility Regulation were proclaimed into force...
December 13, 2022
Investigation Tales: Strategies + Tips for Challenging Investigations
Join Field Law’s Professional Regulatory Group and your professional regulatory colleagues for a special holiday roundtable.  At this roundtable, our seasoned guest panelists with discuss anticipating and responding to challenging issues ...
October 2022 -1 min read
Alberta Legislative Session Prorogued: Bill 23 Will Die on Order Paper
Professional regulators in Alberta watching Bill 23, the Professional Governance Act should take note that on October 26, the Lieutenant Governor in Council ordered a Proclamation to “prorogue” the current legislati...
October 2022 - 5 min read
Alberta’s Top Court Re-Writes Rules for Costs Orders in Professional Discipline
The Alberta Court of Appeal has significantly changed the approach to costs order in professional discipline cases. In Jinnah v Alberta Dental Association and College, 2022 ABCA 336, the Court set aside an order for a dentist to pay $37,500 in investig...
June 14, 2022
Call the Expert! What Regulators Need to Know About Retaining + Instructing Expert Witnesses
Join the Field Law Professional Regulatory Group and your professional regulatory colleagues for our first lunch time roundtable in a couple of years! This roundtable is designed to help complaints directors and other regulatory professionals better un...
May 27, 2022
Getting Ready for Bill 23: Alberta’s Professional Governance Act
Bill 23 was introduced by the Alberta Government on May 2, 2022. As we previously reported, the Bill will bring major changes for 22 professional regulatory organizations in Alberta.Join James Casey, KC, Katrina Haymond, Gregory Sim...
May 2022 - 10 min read
Bill 23: A Major Overhaul for Professional Regulatory Legislation in Alberta
On May 2, 2022, the Alberta Government introduced Bill 23, the Professional Governance Act. Bill 23 represents a major overhaul for professional regulatory legislation in Alberta. The Bill would repeal the governing statutes for 22 professions and...
March 2022 - 2 min read
Bill 10: Prohibiting the Practice of Female Genital Mutilation
On March 24, 2022, the Government of Alberta introduced Bill 10, the Health Professions (Protecting Women and Girls) Amendment Act, 2022. Bill 10 amends the Health Professions Act to address female genital mutilation.  The Bill...
November 22, 2021
Coffee + Counsel: COVID-19 + Professional Regulatory Organizations - A Potpourri of Legal Issues
Q+A Session
Join us for Coffee + Counsel, a complimentary webinar series that brings you together with a few of our lawyers for an unscripted chat about legal issues pertinent to professional regulatory organizations across Canada. Your questions guide the discuss...
November 2021 - 3 min read
Halting Vexatious Litigants in Their Tracks
Perspectives for the Professions
Many regulators have to deal with vexatious litigants. Some complainants or registrants commence baseless legal proceedings against the regulator if they disagree with its decisions. Responding to these proceedings is time-intensive and expensive, es...
December 2020 - 5 min read
Alberta Government Announces New Funding Rules for Sexual Abuse and Misconduct Counselling
Perspectives for the Professions
When the last of the Bill 21 amendments to the Health Professions Act came into force on April 1, 2019, each health regulatory College was required to establish a patient relations program. These programs assist patients who have suffered sexual abuse ...
November 23, 2020
Understanding + Implementing Bill 46: A Guide for Colleges
Bill 46 represents the most extensive set of amendments to the Health Professions Act (“HPA”) since the legislation came into effect nearly 20 years ago. Bill 46 also represents the fourth major reform to the regulation of he...
July 30, 2020
Regulatory Reform Comes to Alberta
Join Field Law’s professional regulatory lawyers and your colleagues from other health regulators for a free webinar on July 30 from 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM.Alberta Health’s discussion paper “Proposals to Amend the Health Professions A...
July 2020 - 1 min read
Bill 30: Increased Public Participation in Professional Regulation
On Monday, July 6, 2020, the Government of Alberta tabled Bill 30, the Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2020. This proposed legislation amends a number of existing Acts, including the Alberta Health Professions Act. The Health Professions Act e...
May 7, 2020
Professional Regulatory: Roundtable
What do you want to know? Version 2.0
Professional regulators continue to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic while their public interest mandates carry-on.   Field Law’s Professional Regulatory group will host a virtual lunch time roundtable discussion focusing on a few of ...
January 2020
The Annotated Health Professions Act
Published by Thomson Reuters
Written by James Casey, KC, Katrina Haymond, Greg Sim and Jason Kully, The Annotated Health Professions Act is written for both lawyers and members of professional regulatory associations and provides an overview of Alberta’s Healt...
October 10, 2019
Registration Issues in Professional Regulation
Professional regulatory organizations are responsible for assessing applications for professional licensing and applying registration requirements in a fair and transparent way. This task is made increasingly difficult by the evolving regulatory and le...
September 16, 2019
Fair Registration Practices Act:  Implications for Professional Regulatory Organizations
Seminar + Webinar
As we previously reported, on June 19, 2019, the United Conservative Party introduced Bill 11 - Fair Registration Practices Act in the Alberta Legislature. Bill 11 received Royal Assent on June 28, 2019, and will come into force on proclamation.Jo...
May 2018
Don't Forget the Sanctions...
Professional Regulatory Webinar
You’ve heard all the evidence and the charges are proven. For the professional whose career is on the line, nothing could be more important than what comes next... Presented by James Casey, KC and Gregory Sim of the Field L...

Serving clients proactively

  • A professional regulator was sued by a member of the organization who alleged bad faith investigation, negligence and abuse of process. Gregory investigated the claims and took the client through a risk management exercise. "I sat down with my client ­ the regulatory body ­ and looked at what happened, where its processes could be improved and whether the claim had merit. We filed a motion to dismiss the claim and then assisted the group to improve its processes to avoid similar issues in the future."

Protecting our clients' assets

  • Another professional regulator was having trouble enforcing its legislation prohibiting non-members from using reserved professional titles. Companies were using the reserved titles in their business names and ignoring the regulator’s requests to change their names. Gregory filed court applications against the companies and the Registrar of Corporations and obtained court orders compelling the Registrar to change the corporate names when the companies wouldn’t.

University of Alberta, 2004, Bachelor of Laws With Distinction
McGill University, 1999, Bachelor of Science
Northwest Territories,2011